YouTube Ads Coaching

Over a Decade of Experience Running YouTube Ads Profitabily For

Some Of The Biggest Names In The World of Marketing & Advertising

Some People I Have Succesfully Ran YouTube Ads For…

Google Ads Apps Certified



Google Ads Apps Certified


Google Ads Video Certified


Google Ads Video Certified


Google Ads Apps Certified



Google Ads Video Certified


Google Ads Video Certified


Google Ads Video Certified


First, Let’s Talk About Failure…

I started my Google ads (AdWords as we called it back then) back in April of 2010. I ran my own campaigns to a questionable offer on a well known affiliate website, back when you could directly link to these places without getting slapped.

Here’s how it went…

I spent $2,750 and I made back…. $476.67

“But Lee!” I hear you scream “You’re not exactly filling me with confidence here!”

Well… we all start somewhere right?

And that was me.

Back in my day (Yes I said It) We didn’t have fancy courses or Facebook groups/forums and that thing called YouTube that basically now teaches us everything.

We had a handful of eBooks, a ‘gooroo’ or two who was ‘killing it’, and our own sheer determination to fail and learn.

So that’s what I did. I failed, a lot and I learned from it.

From that first ‘learning curve’ I went on to run PPC departments in the corporate world with Google ad budgets ranging from $15k per month up to $500k per month.

I helped build departments for companies in various niches looking to branch out into Google ads. I plugged into agencies and ran the Google ads arm for their clients.

I have managed high level product & offer launches spending $1m+ in the first 7 days. Profitably.

From inception to strategy, ad copy to funnel flow and of course the holy grail of paid media….


I have spend in excess of $32m on YouTube ads ranging from cold traffic (TOFU) to retargeting (MOFU) and everything in-between, utilizing Google ads platforms in tandem with YouTube ads, such as Search, Display (GDN), PMax and Demand Gen.

I work with agencies that are in the Google Premier Partner Program (That’s the top 3% of people running Google ads in the world).

Millions Spent On Google Ads

Years Running Google Ads

Average Return on Ad Spend

Chris Lunn

Worked with Lee on a number of occasions to help me with Google ads for a few clients.

Lee has a unique and process driven approach that, above all… Gets results for my clients.

Rory F Stern

Lee partnered with our Facebook agency to run the Google side of the business. He ran various accounts in every conceivable niche.

He has a incredible eye for Google policy and I have personally seen him take clients from practically zero to over $3.6m in les than one year with Google.

Thomas Sledtz

I have worked with Lee on many clients from the Facebook side who have wanted to transition into Google ads.

Lee has a very high level of professionalism, detail and creativitly that always uncovers performance led stratagies that we would have normally not seen.

Paul Irvine

Not only does Lee have an incredible amount of knowledge on Google ads, he also has vast experience with copy, funnel strategy, design and customer behaviour.

He can visualize the up-stream and downstream journey of a potential customer and understand the process of what needs to happen.

Some of The Companies I Have Worked With…